Våre guider
Mariann Sæther
Mariann kommer fra Otta i Gudbrandsdalen, hvor hun lærte å rafte og padle kajakk på Sjoa. Hun har alltid vært mer ute enn inne, helt fra hun fikk sin første hest da hun var 4 år, og til hun sa ha det til foreldrene og dro jorda rundt som 18-åring etter endt videregående. Hun tok med kajakken, og dro til Chile, New Zealand og California. I Chile ble hun forelsket i elven Futaleufu, noe som førte til at hun i 2005 kjøpte en tomt ved elvas bredder, og i dag er hun og familien på hyttetur i Patagonia så og si hver vinter! Hun har rukket å bli 2 x verdensmester i ekstrempadling, samt å fullføre 9 år på universitetet, med en master i historie. Hun er lærer for Fagskulen Vestlandet, og jobber for Grane kommune, ved siden av å fremdeles padle aktivt i både ekstrempadling, slalåm og freestyle. Og om sommeren driver hun selvsagt RiverNorth med Ron.
Ron Fischer
Ron grew up in Switzerland, where he of course learned to ski and snowboard. In fact, he has been racing snowboard cross on the Swiss national team for some seasons, and of course he also learned to kayak as a teenager. He became sponosred by Redbull, and holds multiple high-ranking first descents under his belt, such as the Rondu gorge in Pakistan. Ron also travelled many times to Norway to go kayaing with his friends in his younger years, and in Chile in 2010 he meet Mariann on the famous rio Baker in Chile. Since then they have created a beautiful life together, splitting their time in between Norway and Chile. The last years Ron has gotten more and more into paragliding, and you can expect to see him soaring high on any given good day, unless he is on the river guiding you down a world class section of whitewater.
Rhys Thomson
Rhys, a Scottish lad from the city of Glasgow. From a young age Rhys was taking part in every typical sport you could imagine. Rugby, football, swimming etc, and was fortunate enough to find his love for the outdoors through skiing/snowboarding. When Rhys left high school it was time for him to decide what he wanted to do with his life. He took the path of going to university to study sports, but the important decision he had to make was what sports would he specialise in. Generic or adventure sports. He decides to switch it up and specialise in adventure sports. Through his course, Rhys had the opportunity to travel outside of Glasgow and into the beautiful highlands of Scotland, finding his love for water sports by canoeing/kayaking on the Bonnie lochs/rivers of Scotland. Now Rhys has dedicated the last few years of his life living by the river, traveling with his kayak to the most incredible places around the world. Meeting new people, and living his life to the fullest.
Ida Hansen

Florent Duval
Florent, mostly known as Flo, is born and raised in the north west of France. He spent his youth on the family farm, playing soccer as much as possible and spending good time in the nature with his friends. At age of 21, he met the river world and its community while learning to raft guide in the French Pyrenees. What a beautiful and mind changer discovery!!! Since then, he has been fully dedicated to spend most of his time on the river of the world. He has aquired 20 years of experience as a river guide, mostly in France and Chile, where he also first met Ron and Mariann in 2015 on the Futaleufu river bank. In 2019 he also did a season with RiverNorth in Trofos. This yar he is happy to be back, and looking forward to take you down the Austervefsna.